Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Serve Me NOW For Next Week = Vacation

Sometimes I look at My life and wonder, how did I get here...?
And then I remember who the fuck I am and everything I've done to get here. I am blessed and highly favored. Bonus points to those of you who understand that reference.

Tonight, I have a session that requires some extra time and thought.
And a trip to a store or two in search of what I am looking for.
This slut's head is going to be spinning from the moment he arrives.
He's got a full three hours at My mercy. And I'm going to delight in every single minute of it. I have a feeling he will make it through with flying colors. Or mostly black and blue.

I am available for sessions this week and throughout the weekend. If you would like to spend some quality time with Yours Truly, you'd best get your request into My inbox - msjulie@juliespanks.com

I will be out of town and unavailable for sessions Monday, June 26th through Sunday, July 9th. Submit yourself to Me before I leave or suffer the consequences awaiting My return. *weg*