Saturday, July 6, 2019

Come Fly With Me

Last night I had a most excellent session with a submissive who upon negotiation expressed his strong desire in being heavily flogged until he reached "that floaty feeling".

This floaty feeling or sense of flying is what is known as headspace or subspace. And once you're there, it feels almost as if you are soaring through the air. Flogging is just one of the avenues I like to use to get there as it's melodic rhythm is quite hypnotic.

Well I have a little secret for you - when you fly, I fly too... *smile*
This is known as Topspace.

It a drug called Endorphins. And it's naturally produced by your brain.

There's an actual brain science behind this phenomenon explained in this informative article HERE by Vice. Check it out.

Come fly with Me. I have flights departing daily.
With your consent, of course. *wink*