Friday, February 6, 2015

Intro to BDSM

Taught an Intro to BDSM class last night at The Dahlia Room, a female-owned lingerie boutique and sex toy store here in Salt Lake City.  It was a basic 101-level workshop that skimmed the surface of the vast world of BDSM. Twenty two curious humans who are just now finding kink. And I couldn't be happier to help show them the way.

Since the 50 Shades of Grey books have been released, there has been an influx in inquisitive folk coming out of the woodwork, and their closets! And with the movie debuting the day before Valentines Day, I expect another wave.

I've read the books. Pure torture in itself, by the way. And I've seen a few of the movie trailers. And let Me tell you, I am disappointed. Fact is, 50 is a disgrace to the BDSM lifestyle and a really poor representation of what it is that we do. Maybe if the author were kinky (she is NOT) or had at least consulted with members of the BDSM community when writing the book (she did NOT)...

So I am battening down the hatches in anticipation of this next storm. And I am going to do everything in My power to help redirect the folks who may be misguided by some of the things they saw someone do in a movie on the big screen.

Don't get Me wrong - I am grateful that 50 has given so many people the permission to come out of their closets and start the discussion around kinky sex. And I am here to answer the call of the Universe asking Me to help spread the gospel of consensual kink.
I'm channeling My inner kinky super hero! Now, where's My cape?

If you want to read some great erotica, try Laura Antoniou's Marketplace Series. While based on a fantasy, these books are the best illustration of the shadowy lifestyle with the long-awaited sixth book in the series being released this spring. And my other personal fave, the Beauty Trilogy by Anne Roquelaure also known as Anne Rice. All of these can be ordered on Amazon and discreetly shipped to you. Or you can download them onto your e-reader.