Thursday, April 15, 2021

Play Space Fantasies & Phone Sessions

Some of you have inquired about the new play space. Here is what I will share thus far. In-person clients will be privy to much more including the enjoyment of the space. 

The new space has hardwood floors throughout which are currently being refinished. Next will come a thorough interior paint job with all of My favorite colors.  I'm thinking about redoing the bathroom. The storage unit will have to be emptied and everything put in its place. I wish to procure a new bondage bed. Hang all of the kinky art. Stock the space with all the lube and cleaning supplies My OCD heart can handle. And finally, get back to what it is I do so well.

It'll be another four to six weeks. In the meantime, you can A) continue to practice your patience; B) book yourself a phone session with Yours Truly; and C) choose some gifts from My wishlist to outfit the new play space and put a smile on My face. 

For more info on phone sessions, email: