Sunday, July 28, 2024

An Exciting Announcement & Thank You's

Happy Sinday, sluts. You know today is My favorite day to play and I'm without a play toy for tonight. Are you local and wish to submit?
Call Me before 5PM.

Not local and still want to chat?
Call Me on Niteflirt - 1-800-863-5478 extension 02403288.
If I am unavailable, you may email Me to schedule a phone session.

I will be traveling to New Orleans this Fall as I am being recognized at Domcon, the largest professional convention of it's kind, as a Mistress of Honor for My dedication and contributions over the decades to the industry of Professional Domination. I am feeling an immense sense of gratitude for My chosen path, mentors and peers who have been there along the way, the countless submissive humans who have trusted Me as their guide along their journeys, and you - My loyal blog readers. I would not be where I am today without all of you.

I will be applying to teach classes again as education is My passion. And imbuing the importance of What It Is We Do to future baby Dommes and Women just entering the profession is at the top of the list. I am selective about who I invite into this industry as the call must come from someone who is in it for all of the right reasons. 

I am here to change your life for the better. To train you to be the very submissive and human you can be. To teach you to be strong in your submission. And in caring for yourself, you are caring for Me. 

Do you have what it takes to be Mine? Present yourself to Me.
I will take very good care of you. 

Only able to surrender on a limited basis? I relish the random and sporadic sessions as much as the quarterly appointments and the annual sessions. I try and make the most of every moment you are with Me. If you are lucky enough to be at My feet, you know this and you feel this. Because I cherish My submissives. All of them.

Next, a few Thank You's for the gifts that arrived recently in My mailbox. One from My slut daniel, another from a wanton sub, and the third from someone called brittney anderson. Thank you, all, for the lovely presents. And a special mention to My tie slut who sent a very generous gift card. XO!!

My Birthday: August 16th 
Astrological signs: Leo, Leo Rising, Cancer Moon
Favorite color: Purple
Favorite past times: fine food, travel, museums, Broadway, +

My next blog post will be about My Birthday. Stay tuned.